30 Minutes - A Variety of Health Benefits
In Red Light Therapy, you expose your skin to an LED (light-emitting diode) that emits the correct spectrum of light. When the light enters your skin, your mitochondria soak it up and make more energy, which helps cells repair themselves. Red Light Therapy has been used successfully to help treat a variety of concerns for their patients, including: body contouring (fat loss), skin rejuvenation, pain management and inflammation reduction.
Red light therapy works by stimulating the “power plant” in your body’s cells called mitochondria to produce increased cellular energy (ATP). With more energy, other cells can do their work more efficiently, doing things like repairing skin, boosting new cell growth, and enhancing skin rejuvenation. More specifically, certain cells absorb light wavelengths and are stimulated to work harder. This is a completely natural process that can create remarkable changes to help the body to heal and energize, while prompting the lymphatic system to more fully detoxify the body.
Red light therapy has been clinically proven to produce a variety of health benefits, including:
Soft tissue repair
Weight Loss
Pain relief
Boost energy cells
Skin improvement
Reduce inflammation
Newer clinical studies have also been indicating positive benefits for dementia patients.
How Does Red Light Work?
At Easley Health & Spine we use the Contour Light® red light system, which is FDA-cleared for “body contouring”, a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment for reducing the circumference of the hips, waist, and thighs. Contour Light® is also FDA-cleared for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and muscle spasms, relieving stiffness, promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue, and temporarily increasing local blood circulation. Contour Light® is:
SAFE: The only FDA Cleared* device for body contouring, pain management, and increased local blood circulation.
EFFECTIVE: It is backed by an IRB-approved clinical study where patients experienced an average loss of 2.49″ per session.
PAINLESS: Contour Light® is painless. The only sensation you will feel is the warmth of the led lights.
FAST: Each session lasts up to 30 minutes, and you can see results from the first session!
Contour Light
The Contour Light treatment is safe, painless, and non-invasive. In fact, it is quite comfortable and soothing. Unlike ultrasound, radio frequency, laser light, and freezing treatments, LED-based therapies do not cause cellular damage. Red light therapy uses very low levels of heat and doesn’t hurt or burn the skin. Unlike the light used in tanning booths, it doesn’t expose your skin to damaging UV rays. As a matter of fact, multiple clinical studies have shown that LED and near infrared light therapy promotes a natural healing response within the cells.
The number of red light therapy treatments you need depends on what you are getting treatment for. The typical range is 10-20 sessions. You will likely need on-going sessions for weeks or even months to reach your total goals, but you'll begin seeing results from your vesy first visit!
Red Light Therapy typically isn’t a covered treatment by most insurance providers; however, at our office if we think that this type of treatment would be good for you and if you decide that you want to do it we have affordable financing options available. With the type of financing options we have virtually everyone can afford it. Most HSA or FLEX spending accounts CAN be used.
If you want to look and feel better then the answer is yes! Red light therapy has so many positive effects that it can benefit almost anyone! We would be happy for you to have a consultation with one of our medical professionals. They will go through your health and injury history and help you determine if these types of treatments may be right for you.

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